Olympiad Exams

Olympiad Exams are  competitive exams conducted by many independent organization in India for class 1 – class 10 based on school syllabus. 

Olympiad exams helps kids to test their talent at national level and give them the exposure of national level competitive exams they might face in future. Major subjects in which Olympiad is conducted are

  • Mathematics.
  • Science.
  • English.
  • Cyber.
  • General Knowledge.
  • French.
  • Reasoning.
  • Spell Bee

Here in this we will be sharing sample Olympiad questions for you to know the format of questions. With these question you can get an idea of what type of questions would come in the exam.

You can either register through your school or register at indicidual level from their websites. For detailed information on olympiad exams, their websites, syllabus and preparation watch this youtube video .