Look at these words below that follows doubling rule:
clap clapped clapping
run running, runner
swin swimming, swimmer
sun sunny
skip skipping
fun funny, funnier
stop stopping, stopped
drop dropping, dropped
snap snapping, snapped
plan planning, planning
clip clipping, clipped
knit knitting, knitted
flip flipping, flipped
All the above words have
1 syllable
1 vowel
1 consonant following the vowel
Hence: the 1-1-1 Rule
Words that have more than one consonant after the vowel don’t double
nail nailed, nailing
jump jumped, jumping
thank thanked, thanking
stand standing
grade grading, graded
scrape scraping, scraped
glide gliding, glided
Check out this handy rule in the video below, and then read on for free printable spelling rule posters!