GE or DGE which one to use?
Bridge, Change – Look at these words! both have /j/ sound at the end.
The letter j is never used at the end of words.
Alternate spelling for /j/ sound in English is “ge”, “dge”.
“If the /j/ sound is preceded after a short vowel, it is spelled dge.
“But if the /j/ sound comes after any other sound, it is spelled as ge!”
This spelling generalization is also called as “The Bridge rule”!

You’ll be amazed by the power of the GE and DGE Spelling rule – it helps spelling skills become so much simpler!
Just have your students practice listening for those long and short vowel sounds directly before the /j/ sound.
Look at the words below:
large edge page change charge lodge
wedge judge pledge dodge.
Check out this handy rule in the video below.
Teaching ideas for GE versus DGE:
1.Sorting : Give a list of words and discuss the ending sounds looking at the spelling. Then sort the words based on the ending spelling GE and DGE
2.Complete the spelling:
Have the student fill in the blank with GE or DGE to finish spelling words. Ask them to segment a word into its sounds using counters or blocks and decide whether to use GE or DGE at the end.
3.Reading :
Make a word list that includes words with GE and DGE. Have the student spell a word.
GE or DGE Rule Anchor Chart
You can print out this ge/dge rule anchor chart to display in your classroom/home and help your students/kids remember this rule. Just click on the poster and save the pdf to your device.
- want to learn few more spelling rules ?
- To sounds of C
- Two sounds of G
- Plural spelling rules
- Silent E
Another way to encourage students to have a deep understanding and ability to explain the rule is to ask them why they made the spelling choice that they did. For example, in the word lodge, you could ask the student why they used dge or why they choose to use ge in the word huge or edge. This will often expose any misunderstandings or areas that need clarification.
Teaching and practicing this spelling rule will not only provide students with learning differences and a lifeline for spelling many words, but it will avoid inefficient and misleading practices such as trying to add or distinguish a /j/ sound in the word wedge but not in the word huge.
Spelling rules are very helpful to read and write English spellings. Here are other SPELLING RULES that may help you.
The GE or DGE rule is a great spelling strategy to teach young students. It’s easy to learn and helps them spell common words correctly. Using the methods and activities in this post you can help your students learn the GE or DGE rule.
Has the GE or DGE Rule helped your child? I would love to hear about it . Do tag us on facebook or instagram! And check out our other spelling rules, too!
Learn about other spelling rules from here.
These short a GE or DGE rule poster and worksheet are available for personal and single classroom use. You are not licensed to redistribute the files to other parents/teachers for use with their children/students. Instead, please refer them to this page so they can download their own copy.
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