what are cvc words?
what are ccvc words?
what are cvcc words?
CVC – Consonant-Vowel-Consonant.
CCVC – Consonant-Consonant-Vowel-Consonant.
CVCC – Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Consonant.
Cat, hot, tip, man and hut are all CVC words.

CCVC words include: ‘s-t-o-p’, ‘f-l-i-p’ and ‘p-l-a-n’.
clap stop blog scot
ship this grab flip
chin drop glam from
The 4 sounds don’t have to be made by one letter, they can also be digraphs and trigraphs.
For example, ‘t-r-a-ck’, ‘th-r-i-ll’, ‘s-c-ar-f’ and ‘sh-r-e-d’.

CVCC words include: ‘p-i-n-k’, ‘m-u-s-t’ and ‘h-e-l-p’.
hand wolf halt fact
wild sing bald rock
hunt film rest task
The 4 sounds don’t have to be made by just one letter, they can also be digraphs and trigraphs.
For example, ‘b-e-n-ch’, ‘l-ea-n-t’, p-oi-n-t and ‘ch-o-m-p’.
Check out the ccvc, cvcc words in the video below

Once children have learnt to read a variety of CVC words, they move onto reading digraphs ch, ph, sh, wh, th (two letters that make up one sound). They will learn the sounds /ch/ and /sh/ and be shown how to represent these sounds as letters. They will also learn how to blend consonants, for example: they may be shown the two letters ‘sp’ and asked to say the sounds (/s/ and /p/) these letters make out loud. Consonant blends bl, cl, gl, pl, fl, sp, sk, sm, sn, br, gr, dr, pr and so on helps kids learn to blend and read two consonant sounds.
Children then move onto reading CCVC words, such as chat, ship, frog, snap.
Once they have mastered these, they will move onto CVCC words, such as bash, card, send, mast.
Looking for Blends and Digraphs worksheets we have covered you!!
- Here is the lst of blends to teach after CVC words ?
- Beginning Blends
- Tricky Consnant Blends
- Digraohs
- Long Vowel Sounds